I really want to help you learn how to start a canine walking company and come up with a canine walking company plan this month!

I quit my job at a newspaper in 2008 to start a canine walking business, and I haven’t looked back.

This short article applies to anybody interested in starting a canine walking company or pet sitting business. It’s LONG, so feel totally free to click on any topics below to jump ahead:

Jump ahead to:

How to start a canine walking company – 15 tips:

1. identify your canine walking rates.

What to charge for canine walking – 3 elements to consider

Is this a one-time thing or are you a professional canine walker?

What are other canine walkers in your area charging?

2. Don’t go without canine walking insurance.

Reasons you need insurance if you are a canine walker:

What’s covered by canine walking insurance

What is not covered by canine walking insurance

3. purchase my canine walking ebook.

4. Do I need to advertise my canine walking business?

Reach out to existing canine walkers.

How do I get much more canine walking clients?

Post fliers, cards or brochures at every vet’s office in town.

Attend local canine events as a vendor.

Post about your company on Craigslist

Word of mouth

Show up in online searches

5. invest in your canine walking website.

6. new client questionnaire for your canine walking business.

7. Liability forms for your canine walking business.

8. Do I need a license to start a canine walking business?

9. Taxes for your canine walking business.

10. start walking shelter dogs.

11. company cards and logo for your canine walking business.

12. apps to help you run your new canine walking and Pet sitting Business

13. get Google reviews for your canine walking or Pet sitting Business.

14. offer numerous services, and be creative. This is your canine walking business.

15. consider providing a canine running service.

Three benefit canine walking company tips!

Can a 10 year old start a canine walking business?

How numerous dogs can you legally walk?

What are some risks of a canine walking business?

How much ought to I charge to feed a dog?

How to start a canine walking company – 15 tips:

1. identify your canine walking rates.

Is a canine walking company profitable? Sim! There are numerous elements to consider such as whether you’re walking the dog as a favor for a pal or if you’re interested in canine walking as a full-time business.

You ought to charge at least $20 for a half-hour dog walk. That’s my short answer.

What to charge for canine walking – 3 elements to consider

Is this a one-time thing or are you a professional?
What are other canine walkers in your area charging?
que tipo de serviços você oferece?

Otis, Dre, Eddie and me!

Is this a one-time thing or are you a professional canine walker?
If you’re just walking the canine for a friend, then maybe you don’t mind doing so for totally free here and there or for a case of beer or whatever it might be.

If you are wishing to become a professional canine walker, then charge accordingly and charge at least $20 for a half-hour walk.

How much ought to you charge for a canine walking business?

Consider these factors:

The time it takes to drive to and from your home to the dog’s home. A “half-hour walk” could really take an hour when you element in driving time.
You get what you pay for, and you’re providing a premium service. anybody who wants to pay $5 can hire the neighbor kid.
You carry insurance.

What are other canine walkers in your area charging?
Search for other canine walkers in your area and charge something similar to their average prices. I would not charge less just to get the extra company or because you are “inexperienced.” I would charge something similar.

What ought to I charge for a 60-minute canine walk?

To give you an idea, when I was a canine walker north of San Diego, I charged:

$25 for a half-hour walk

$33 for an hour walk

Dupont and Chevy

My rates were pretty average or slightly above average for my area, and I provided a dog running service where I ran with dogs for the same price, which few others offered.

Dog walkers in other cities are able to charge as much as $50 for a 60-minute walk. On the other hand, there are students all over charging just $10 per walk.

Other elements to consider

Will you be walking multiple dogs at once from different families? (Eu não)
How about multiple dogs from the same family? You could charge a little extra for each additional dog.
Will you be providing pet sitting check outs where you stop by multiple times per day or even stay overnight with the pets?

People don’t choose canine walkers based on rates

Trust me, many people don’t choose a canine walker based on rates. If the price is a concern, they hire a neighbor kid or ask a pal to walk the dog.

Those who look for a professional canine walker choose the canine walker based off:

Recommendations from friends
Online reviews on Google and Facebook
Whoever has the nicest looking web site and shows up first in Google searches.

People don’t hire the canine walker with the most affordable rates. They’re prepared to pay much more to get the better service because they’re giving you a essential to their home and trusting you with their animals and more.

*Aproveitando este artigo? get reasonable canine walking company suggestions emailed once a week. Clique aqui

2. Don’t go without canine walking insurance.

Dog walkers and pet sitters need insurance.

Reasons you need insurance if you are a canine walker:

Protect yourself financially

Accidents happen. mistakes happen. typically these accidents are no big deal, but you want to be covered in case something much more major occurs. Dogs are dogs. Eles mordem. and break shit. and get hurt.

Dog walking company insurance is affordable

Worth the price for peace of mind if nothing else. Pet sitting is stressful enough as it is! You can’t control everything, but at least if you carry insurance you don’t have to worry about what you’re going to do IF something bad happens.

All companies need insurance

A professional company owner carries liability insurance. Not only is this for your own protection, but it gives your customers some peace of mind too. Plus, it sets you ahead of the pet sitters who risk it and go without insurance (yikes!).

What’s covered by canine walking insurance

Obviously you would want to check with your particular policy but here are a few examples of when you might choose to file an insurance claim:

(These first two are real examples that happened to me!)

The canine you’re walking gets a foxtail (barbed grass) stuck up his nose somehow and needs to be sedated to have it removed.
The canine you’re walking gets his leash caught around the client’s solar lights and breaks the lights. Suspirar …

Remy and me!

Other potential scenarios:

You lose a client’s essential and because of this she needs to replace all her locks for safety.
A puppy you’re walking slips out of his poorly fit collar and gets hit by a car.
A canine you’re walking bites another leashed dog.
One of the dogs you’re walking nips a child who comes running around a blind corner.
A puppy in your care swallows a toothpick (or a rock/toy/bone) and has to have it surgically removed.

What is not covered by canine walking insurance

No matter which company you choose to go with, make sure you understand what is and isn’t covered.

Typically, injuries to YOU (the pet sitter) would not be covered. The same goes for injuries to YOUR own pets. Anything that happens under the responsibility of your employees/contractors would also not be covered unless you specifically add them to your policy.

3. purchase my canine walking ebook.


My ebook on how to start a canine walking company is the best resource available on starting your own business.

The ebook is available for $17 and includes comprehensive information about how to successfully acquire clients fast, market your company and get everything squared away.

I also offer packages that include my canine walking company forms here. No matter what your vision is, I’d love to help you be successful with your company and come up with a canine walking company plan.

4. Do I need to advertise my canine walking business?

Yes, but it might not be the conventional advertising you’re thinking of. here are some ideas:

Reach out to existing canine walkers.

When I lived in North Dakota, I was the recognized pet sitter in my town, and all the newbies reached out to me for advice. I didn’t mind this at all. I had all the company I wanted, so it was good to have other reputable canine walkers I could recommend.

Later, after moving to San Diego, I was the new pet sitter and canine walker in town. It’s not easy to reach out to your “competition” and ask for help, but it’s well worth it.

I sent an email to one of the local pet sitters, introduced myself and invited her out for coffee. This was the best thing I could’ve done for my new business!

This pet sitter was pleased to hMe elp, e ela e eu mantemos um relacionamento fantástico, sempre verificando e encaminhando clientes de um lado para o outro.

Não tenha medo de chegar. Se outra babá de animais de estimação ou Walker canino é “ameaçado” por você, provavelmente é porque ele ou ela não é um bom andador canino.

Quando você se reúne, provavelmente aprenderá que o outro andador canino não quer muito mais clientes em uma determinada área ou talvez ela seja reservada sólida às quartas-feiras ou talvez ela não queira andar de coleira mais forte ou o que quer que seja pode ser.

Esses clientes podem ser ideais para você! Em muitos casos, provavelmente há uma maneira de trabalhar juntos, tanto quanto recomendar certos tipos de clientes. E se não, tudo bem. Pelo menos você tem um novo contato para o futuro.

Existem muitos clientes para todos!

Como faço para obter clientes de caminhada muito mais caninos?

Post folhetos, cartões ou brochuras no escritório de todos os veterinários da cidade.

Basta entrar, apresentar -se e perguntar se você pode deixar cartões, folhetos da empresa ou deixar um folheto. Eu recomendo que você verifique todos os escritórios do veterinário a menos de 16 quilômetros.

Recebi muito mais companhia através de veterinários do que com cuidadores, treinadores, lojas de fornecimento de animais, etc. Mas você pode experimentar qualquer tipo de empresa ou serviço relacionado a animais de estimação, incluindo abrigos. Pendurei folhetos no Parque Canine e em algumas empresas, como o nosso Clube de Treinamento Canino.

Participe de eventos caninos locais como fornecedor.

Quando comecei meu negócio de caminhada canina, não me coloquei lá fora o suficiente. Bem, se você deseja expandir sua empresa rapidamente, só precisa chegar lá e se envolver na comunidade.

Uma maneira de fazer isso é participar de alguns eventos caninos locais. Vale a pena participar de alguns deles como fornecedor e configurar uma mesa ou “estande”, onde as pessoas podem parar e obter informações sobre seus serviços.

Claro, esses eventos são muito trabalhosos e não são muito divertidos se você é um introvertido como eu. Mas, se você comparecer a alguns no primeiro ano, nunca mais precisará fazê -lo (a menos que queira!).

Eu recomendo imprimir uma placa premium com seu logotipo e site e distribuir algo totalmente gratuito a pessoas como sacolas, bandanas, adesivos, etc. e, claro, cartões de empresa.

Publique sobre sua empresa no Craigslist

Não pense demais, mas vale a pena gastar alguns minutos para postar sobre sua empresa uma ou duas vezes no Craigslist. Experimente a seção de animais e a seção da comunidade.

Minhas mensagens do Craigslist eram pessoas muito fáceis e redirecionadas para o meu site. Eu tive muito sucesso no Craigslist sem gastar dinheiro.

Palavra da boca

Em uma empresa personalizada como a caminhada canina, o boca a boca é a técnica de marketing mais importante.

Estou falando de conversas verdadeiras presenciais, onde um de seus clientes recomenda sua empresa a um de seus amigos, vizinhos ou colegas de trabalho. Se essa pessoa realmente precisar de um caminhante canino, ela é praticamente garantida para contratá -lo sobre outra pessoa com base na recomendação de sua amiga.

Claro, para o trabalho boca a boca, você precisa ser realmente incrível. Não rastreie a lama na casa do cliente, por exemplo. Em vez disso, tire os sapatos na porta quando apropriado. Deixe notas e cartões pessoais. Deixar guloseimas. Mantenha contato com seus clientes sem ser muito irritante.

Se uma pessoa pensa que você é a melhor, ela contará aos outros. Isso lhe dará confiança e, pelo menos, você será pago por algo que ama. Começar pequeno dará a você uma noção de se isso é algo que você realmente deseja fazer.

Encontrei algumas pessoas no meu complexo de casa que precisavam de um caminhante canino. Esses meus vizinhos trabalharam em turnos de 12 horas e estavam deixando seus cães em casa sem um banheiro. Quando viram meus folhetos, ficaram emocionados por eu poder passear com seus cães por eles. Eu nem precisei deixar meu emprego. Em alguns casos, passei esses cães nos meus dias de folga. Em alguns casos, foi antes do trabalho e, em alguns casos, estava no meu intervalo.

*Aproveitando este artigo? Obtenha dicas razoáveis ​​da empresa de caminhada canina

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